Devlog week #6 - Workshop results

We make the workshop where there were 6 participants to discuss and vote on our proposals. It took longer than expected but it was worth it. Was a lot of discussion in the part of Map and Quests where my teammate  Francisco organized it. As the participants have already started to get a knowledge of the project, I took the opportunity to call these participants to silently vote (and comment in privaty) on the UI proposals. The technique I used to collect the votes is called Zen-Voting and as they were being done at a distance, I found a useful tool that is Dotstorming. Every each participant had 3 votes to vote (is possible vote 3x times for one proposal for example) .

To our specific proposals:

1st Situation: Dialogue (Speech)

There are many interface options to give the dialogue and we designed 3 proposals that are more chosen for our project:

Speech Ballon

A: Speech Ballon

Captions with person's photo

B: Captions with person's photo

Captions with person's name

C: Captions with person's name


A: 1 vote
B: 11 votes
C: 5 votes

2nd Situation: Designs

We have seen that it is so hard to decide at what depth of information we should present in the main part of the UI. So we left 3 different proposals.

A: Simpler (More icons, less information)
More complex
B: Complex (More information but less visibility of the environment)

C: Balance

C: Balance (icons with small information)


A: 4 votes
B: 8 votes
C: 2 votes

3rd Situation: Mission / Quest

After completing the mission / quest, we wanted to know if it was more inconvenient when UI interrupt the game to leave the information to the player who completed the mission.

Update the information already exists

A: Update the information already exists

Interrupt the game then display the information window

B: Interrupt the game then display the information window

small window of temporary information (a few seconds) but player still can to play slower

C: Small window of temporary information (a few seconds) but player still can to play slower


A: 7 votes
B: 4 votes
C: 7 votes


We can see that, in the dialog, it’s clearly that we have to implement the caption with the person’s photo because the photo helps more easier to identify the ship than just the name. In the second situation, which is design, we must go in balance in the game interface, i. e, we have to avoid a lot of unnecessary information and present the icons with the small information. In the third, we think this result doesn’t help so much to make a decision, but at least we know that we cannot interrupt the game when the player completes the mission/quest. 

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