Devlog week #2 - Reunion with writers and artists


We gathered our team and got to know the writer, Inês, and one of the artists, José. I think we are lucky to have them in our team as they seemed very positive and interested in our game idea.

Inês really surprised us with the ideas she had for our game's story and I learned the potential of a good story on a simple game like ours. Lots of ideas were brainstormed and we went from having a "spaceship that simply wants to reach the center of the galaxy" to a potential "space race with other participants, in which the end line is in the center of the galaxy" or even "a man is trying to get home after years without knowing where he's from".  We might change some of our initial ideas to better suit a good story,  mainly regarding the concept of our "open map".

José is mainly an audio designer and he contributed for the story idea and art direction as well.  In my opinion, sound is one of the final things to approach in the development of a video game but I understand the power it has on improving the quality and mood of an indie game.

Next week, we'll start developing the paper prototypes. See you soon!

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