Devlog week #1 - Player Personas

This week we had a group meeting with the objective of starting the design document and then assigning  the topics that were left to be completed to each member. We started by defining the game's core experience, the game's first tweet and we assigned tasks for each member of the group. I got the players personas part. I talked to some friends that are not hardcore gamers and to my younger brothers to see what they thought of the game. I also did some more in depth research about the player types described in By talking to some people about the game and doing this research I wanted to confirm if our game appealed to a more casual gaming crowd and to people that liked to explore worlds and also liked to collect and build things. I was able to confirm that our ideia sparked some interest in people that don't spend too many hours gaming per week and that they would like to play a game with a strong building component and a strong exploring component such as ours. People are looking foward to play our game!

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